Monday, November 23, 2015


Welcome to Calypso's Traders, a blog about trading in Entropia Universe.  In this blog, I'd would explore the mechanics of trading, how to trade profitably and the particular idiosyncrasies of the market that a successful trader must know.

If you are looking to play Entropia Universe profitably, but have been unsuccessful in hunting, mining or crafting, then perhaps trading might just do the trick for you.  Unlike the other professions in which luck plays a significant part in your success or failure, and a global or a HOF using a certain hunting strategy on one day might turn out to be a dead loss on another day, trading is all about your skill with luck playing only a small role.

So, once you have learnt to trade profitably, you can be quite sure of consistent profits each month so long as you apply the same strategy.

This blog is arranged more like a website than a blog, with a navigation bar at the bottom of every page.  You can navigate page by page by clicking "Previous" and "Next", or jump to main sections and pages by clicking the links under "Jump to:"

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